New in ProofHub: Predecessor and successor task view

ProofHub understands how difficult it is to find out the details of the dependent tasks. Once you have opened a task, one should be able to visualize the predecessor (tasks that are supposed to be completed or at least begin before a task) and successor tasks (tasks that follow the predecessor) all at one place. 

Now you can easily visualize the details of predecessor and successor tasks all at one place on the task detail window in a predecessor and successor task view

Predecessor and successor task view in ProofHub

1. One can visualize the predecessor and successor task view in ProofHub right from the Gantt chart by just clicking on View task

One can also visualize the predecessor and successor task view in ProofHub by opening the task from the Kanban board view or List view from anywhere in ProofHub. 

2. Now, hover over the task ID and you will get to see the following predecessor and successor tasks’ details: 

  • title 
  • assignees
  • start and due date
  • creator of the date
  • when they were created
  • the task progress percentage 
  • if there are files attached 
  • number of comments on the task 

If you want to open the predecessor or successor tasks’ details, you can click on the task ID and the task detail window will open. 

Predecessor and successor task view is helpful when one wants to access dependent tasks without wasting much time and visualize all the details at one place.   

Until the next update!

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